How to prepare for the TES 46 SSB Interview

 The Technical entry Scheme or TES 46 SSB Interview is the key to joining the Indian Army. Apart from being the most important part of the test, it is also one of the toughest processes. Now the question arises, whether one aspirant can clear this stage within 20 to 30 days of preparation. Here, we are going to discuss the ways to conquer this vital stage. The tips and mantras we are going to provide in this discussion are solely based on our decade long experience and a series of successes in TES SSB interview.

Now the question is, what are the changes one aspirant needs to make, the parameters one should adopt for a guaranteed success in SSB interviews? Let me tell you that, the whole SSB interview is based on 4 OLQs. OLQs refer to officer-like qualities. In simple words, in a SSB interview, the interviewers primarily evaluate officers’ like qualities such as planning and organising, social adjustment, social effectiveness, and dynamic.

However, the success of your SSB interview is entirely dependent on you, your efforts, and your talents. It is a widespread concept among students that if we study for a long period, we will forget it by the time the tests arrive. The SSB is a personality test, so you should focus on your personality first. Let’s have a look at how you may prepare for the SSB in thirty days:

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The first thing a student must do is prepare a timetable. Never waste your time during these days and make the most of them.Make a proper timetable and start practising story narration and lecturette. Apart from this, start working on your communication skills. Adequate practise on these things can ensure your success.

Similarly, focus on personal interview skills. You should begin focusing on your general awareness. Start reading the newspaper and making notes on relevant issues. Gather information about potential GD and lecturette themes. Read as much as you possibly can. Remember, the personal interview is not as tough as you are predicting right now. All these questions can arise from your life and surroundings. There is no need to be concerned about this.However, in depth knowledge of general things and perspectives can impress interviewers.


In this 20 to 30-day period, you also need to focus on your fitness level. Mild jogging and stamina-building workouts are recommended. Remember, it takes time to get in shape. For the extended period of SSB testing, you’ll need a lot of energy and stamina. Ground tasks also require a certain level of fitness.

Now you need to work on your attitude. As you know, a positive attitude is the key to achieving success. Don’t be overconfident, but maintain a belief in yourself. You know you can do it. Right? A positive attitude matters the most and it reflects in overall performance. So, I suggest you be confident enough about your preparation.

If you do all these things right with an adequate approach, then you can easily clear the TES 46 SSB test.

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